Ukwazi Izigaba Ezintathu Zomsebenzi KaNkulunkulu Kuyindlela Yokwazi UNkulunkulu
Umsebenzi wokuphatha isintu uhlukaniswe waba izigaba ezintathu, okusho ukuthi umsebenzi wokusindisa isintu uhlukaniswe waba izigaba ezintathu. Lezi zigaba ezintathu azihlanganisi umsebenzi wokudala umhlaba, kodwa kunalokho izigaba ezintathu zeNkathi Yomthetho, iNkathi Yomusa, kanye neNkathi Yombuso. Umsebenzi wokudala umhlaba kwabe kuwumsebenzi wokudala sonke isintu.
Ababi Kumele Bajeziswe
Isahluko 6
UNkulunkulu USomandla uthi:
"Ezindabeni eziphathelene nezomoya, kumele nibe nozwelo ngempela; emazwini Ami kumele nilalelisise ngempela. Kumele nilwele ukufinyelela esigabeni lapho uzobona khona uMoya Wami nobumina obuyinyama, amazwi Ami nobumina obuyinyama, njengento eyodwa ephelele engehlukaniswe, ukuze bonke abantu bezokwazi ukungigculisa ebukhoneni Bami.
Isahluko 21
"Umuntu uwela ekukhanyeni Kwami, abambelele ngenxa yensindiso Yami. Ngenkathi ngiletha insindiso emhlabeni jikelele, umuntu ubezama ukuthola izindlela zokungena phakathi kokubuyisana Nami, nokho baningi abamukile bangatholakala ngalezi zikhukhula zokubuyisana; baningi abaminzile bacwila emanzini ezikhukhula; kanti baningi futhi abema baqina phakathi kwazo izikhukhula; abangazange balahlekelwe yindlela yabo ababambelela belandela umsinga kuze kube yinamuhla. Nginyathela ngiya phambili nomuntu kodwa akakangazi; wazi kuphela izingubo engizigqoke ngaphandle futhi akayazi ingcebo efihlwe ngaphakathi Kwami.
Ukubona Ukubonakala KukaNkulunkulu Ekwahluleleni Nasekusoleni Kwakhe
Ukukhonza Kwenkolo Kumele Kususwe
Kusukela ekuqaleni komsebenzi wakhe endaweni yonke, uNkulunkulu wanqumela kusengaphambili abantu abaningi ukuba bamkhonze, kuhlanganisa abantu abavela kuzo zonke izizinda zokuphila. Injongo Yakhe ukufeza intando Yakhe nokuqiniseka ngokuthi umsebenzi Wakhe emhlabeni uthela kahle izithelo.
God Is the Strength of My Life | “EBUSIKA OBUBANDA KAKHULU” | Zulu Full english movie
Igama lakhe uXiao Li. Sekuphele ishumi leminyaka ekholelwa kuNkulunkulu. Ebusika bango-2012, waboshwa amaphoyisa eKhomishana YamaShayina esebandleni. Phakathi nophenyo, amaphoyisa ayemyenga, emsabisa, emlimaza futhi emhlukumeza ngoba ezama ukumenza adumaze uNkulunkulu ngokuthi adalule ukuthi bakuphi abaholi bebandla kanye nemali yebandla.
Labo Abathanda UNkulunkulu Bayophila Phakathi Kokukhanya Kwakhe Ingunaphakade
Ingqikithi yokukholelwa kwabantu abaningi kuNkulunkulu iwukuqiniseka ngenkolo: Abanawo amandla okuthanda uNkulunkulu, bakwazi kuphela ukumlandela njengerobhothi, abakwazi ukulangazelela uNkulunkulu ngeqiniso noma ukumdumisa.Bamane bamlandela ngokuzenzakalelayo.
Ingabe Usuyaphila?
“Lapho usuzuze ukuphila ubuntu obujwayelekile, futhi uye wapheleliswa, nakuba ungenakukwazi ukukhuluma isiprofetho, noma ezinye izimfihlakalo, uzophila futhi uzokwambula isithombe somuntu. UNkulunkulu wadala umuntu, ngemva kwalokho umuntu wonakaliswa uSathane, futhi lokhu konakala kwenze abantu baba “yizidumbu”—futhi lapho usushintshile, uyohluka kule mizimba efile.
God's Will Is Carried Out on Earth "Umbuso KaKristu Usufeziwe Phakathi Kwabantu" Christian Dance
Umbuso KaKristu Usufeziwe Phakathi Kwabantu
UNkulunkulu uSomandla osesimweni somuntu
uvela ezinsukwini zokugcina eMpumalanga,
njengelanga nje elinokulunga liphuma;
isintu sesikubonile ukukhanya kweqiniso kuvela.
UNkulunkulu onokulunga futhi onobukhosi, onothando nomusa
ngokuzithoba uzifihle phakathi kwabantu,
ekhipha iqiniso, ekhuluma futhi esebenza.
UNkulunkulu uSomandla ubhekene nathi ubuso nobuso.
UNkulunkulu enimomele, uNkulunkulu engimlindele,
namuhla uvela kithi ngokoqobo.
Silifunile iqiniso, silangazelele ukulunga;
iqiniso nokulunga sekufikile phakathi kwabantu.
UNkulunkulu uSomandla osesimweni somuntu
uvela ezinsukwini zokugcina eMpumalanga,
njengelanga nje elinokulunga liphuma;
isintu sesikubonile ukukhanya kweqiniso kuvela.
UNkulunkulu onokulunga futhi onobukhosi, onothando nomusa
ngokuzithoba uzifihle phakathi kwabantu,
ekhipha iqiniso, ekhuluma futhi esebenza.
UNkulunkulu uSomandla ubhekene nathi ubuso nobuso.
UNkulunkulu enimomele, uNkulunkulu engimlindele,
namuhla uvela kithi ngokoqobo.
Silifunile iqiniso, silangazelele ukulunga;
iqiniso nokulunga sekufikile phakathi kwabantu.
Ukuba Nesimo Esingaguquki Ukuba Yisitha SikaNkulunkulu
Ngemva kweminyaka eyizinkulungwane ezimbalwa zenkohlakalo, umuntu waba ndikindiki wangahlakanipha, waba idimoni eliphikisa uNkulunkulu kangangokuba ukuhlubuka komuntu kuNkulunkulu kuqoshwe ezincwadini zomlando kanti umuntu ngokwakhe akakwazi ukunikeza izizathu ezanele zalokhu kuhlubuka kwakhe – ngoba umuntu wonakaliswe kakhulu uSathane, wadukiswa nguSathane kangangokuthi akazi nokuthi abheke ngaphi.
【Full conference】Religious Persecution and the Human Rights of Refugees
Religious Persecution and the Human Rights of Refugees
【Testimony by Li Chuansong】Being a Religious Refugee Due to the CCP’s Persecution
Religious Persecution and the Human Rights of Refugees
#10 The CCP Claims the Conditions of Religion in China Are Favorable. Massimo Introvigne: NOT True
In 2017, from June 24 to 28, and from September 14 to 15, the Chinese Communist Party had held two international anti-cult academic conferences successively in Henan and Hong Kong. In a subsequent Chinese official report, it reads, “Experts express that from this research study, sufficient understanding has been gained on China’s religious and anti-cult policies, dispelling previous misunderstanding about the issues of cults in China.At the same time, the conditions of religious belief in China are observed to be favorable.
【Lecture by Massimo Introvigne】Persecuting the Church of Almighty God as a Xie Jiao in China
Religious Persecution and the Human Rights of Refugees
Spanish Friends Attended the New Year's Entertainment Party of Chinese Christians
On February 17, 2018, Christians from The Church of Almighty God in Spain hosted an evening gathering in Madrid’s Fuenlabrada with the theme of “We gather together here.” The purpose of the event was for friends of different nationalities to gain a greater understanding of The Church of Almighty God and to promote friendship between these groups.
Side Event of UNHRC in Geneva: Spotlighting The Church of Almighty God & Religious Freedom in China
On March 1, 2018, during the 37th session of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations in Geneva, the Coordination of the Associations and Individuals for Freedom of Conscience (CAP LC) organized a Side Event on the denial of religious freedom in China and the case of The Church of Almighty God.
Yilabo Abazi UNkulunkulu Kuphela Abangafakaza ngoNkulunkulu
Kungumthetho waseZulwini nesimiso sasemhlabeni ukukholelwa kuNkulunkulu nokwazi uNkulunkulu, kanti namuhla—ngesikhathi lapho uNkulunkulu osesimweni somuntu enza umsebenzi Wakhe—yisikhathi esihle sokwazi uNkulunkulu. Ukwanelisa uNkulunkulu kwenzeka ngokuba nesisekelo sokuqonda intando kaNkulunkulu, futhi ukuze uqonde intando kaNkulunkulu, kudingeka wazi uNkulunkulu. Lolu lwazi ngoNkulunkulu lungumbono ikholwa okumele libe nawo; luyisisekelo somuntu sokukholelwa kuNkulunkulu.
Umbuso Weminyaka Eyinkulungwane Usufikile
"Nibonile yini ukuthi umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu uzofezani kuleli qembu labantu? UNkulunkulu uthe, ngisho eMbusweni Weminyaka Eyinkulungwane abantu kusazodingeka ukuthi baqhubeke balandele amazwi Akhe, futhi kusasa la mazwi kaNkulunkulu azoqondisa ukuphila kwabantu ezweni elihle laseKhanani. Lapho uMose esehlane, uNkulunkulu wamfundisa futhi wakhuluma naye ngokuqondile.
Western Scholars vs CCP Representatives at the UN in Geneva About The Church of Almighty God
On March 1, 2018, during the 37th session of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations in Geneva, the Coordination of the Associations and Individuals for Freedom of Conscience (CAP LC) organized a Side Event on the denial of religious freedom in China and the case of The Church of Almighty God (CAG).
Zhiwen, a Christian, Narrates Real Experiences of Cruel Persecution by the Chinese Communist Party |
He had followed his mother in believing in the Lord since childhood, and in 2000 accepted the gospel of the kingdom of Almighty God. In 2005, when he was spreading the gospel, he was surrounded by the Chinese Communist police, and although he escaped successfully, he suffered an injury to his foot which left him with after-effects.In 2012, he was beaten into a coma by thugs working with the police, and was taken to the police station where he was released because his injuries were too severe to continue. After that, he has lived the life of a fugitive …
Ingabe Wethembeke Kubani?
“Usuku ngalunye eniluphilayo nenidlula kulo njengamanje lubucayi futhi lubaluleke kakhulu esiphethweni senu kanye nasekusaseni lenu, ngakho kumele nikwazise konke eninakho ngawo wonke umzuzu odlulayo. Kumele nisisebenzise kahle isikhathi senu ukuze nizinike inzuzo enkulu, ukuze ningayiphileli ize le mpilo.
Ubunjalo bomuntu omuhle Ngempela
UMoran eLinyi City, eShandong Province
Kusukela ngisewumntwana, bengihlale ngibeka ukubaluleka kokuthi abanye abantu bangibona kanjani nangendlela abangibheka ngayo. Ukuze ngithole udumo kwabanye ngakho konke engikwenzayo, angikaze ngiphikisane namuntu noma ngabe kukhona okuvelayo, ukuze ngivikele ukubhubhisa isithombe esihle abanye abantu abanaso ngami.
Religious Persecution? Interview with Follower of The Church of Almighty God
Topic: Jia Chunwang Ordered Siege on The Church of Almighty God. Project 807 Caused the Purported McDonald’s Murder?
The Church of Almighty God Christians Ring in the New Year With French Friends
On February 18, 2018, precisely during a traditional Chinese holiday—Spring Festival—Christians from The Church of Almighty God in France held a New Year’s celebration with the theme of “gratitude” in the parish activity center of the Saint-Germain Church in Vitry-sur-Seine, Paris. This was the first local New Year’s event hosted by these Christians since being forced to flee to France after suffering brutal oppression by the Chinese government.
Testimony of Experiences of the CCP’s Brutal Persecution Given by Christian Zeng Qing
She accepted the kingdom gospel of Almighty God in 1997. In 2008, she was arrested by the Chinese police due to her faith in God and suffered their torture for one and a half months. Subsequently, she was sentenced to two years of re-education through labor on the trumped-up charge of “disrupting social order.” She had been kept under the Chinese police’s surveillance and investigation after release upon completion of her imprisonment term. Eventually, she was forced to live in exile …
Imiyalelo Eyishumi Yokuphatha Okufanele Ilalelwe Abantu Abakhethiweyo bakaNkulunkulu ENkathini Yombuso
UNkulunkulu USomandla uthi:
“1. Umuntu akumele azenze mkhulu, noma aziphakamise. Kumele akhonze futhi aphakamise uNkulunkulu.
2. Kumele wenze noma yini eyinzuzo emsebenzini kaNkulunkulu, futhi ungenzi lutho oluzolimaza izinhloso zomsebenzi kaNkulunkulu. Kumele uvikele igama likaNkulunkulu, ubufakazi bukaNkulunkulu, nomsebenzi kaNkulunkulu.
2. Kumele wenze noma yini eyinzuzo emsebenzini kaNkulunkulu, futhi ungenzi lutho oluzolimaza izinhloso zomsebenzi kaNkulunkulu. Kumele uvikele igama likaNkulunkulu, ubufakazi bukaNkulunkulu, nomsebenzi kaNkulunkulu.
Testimony of Experiences of the CCP’s Brutal Persecution Given by Christian Li Chuansong
Her faith in the Lord Jesus began in 1987, and she accepted the kingdom gospel of Almighty God in 1999. While preaching the gospel in 2005, she was arrested by the Chinese police. During her incarceration, she was tortured with various means including whipping, handcuffs with teeth, doing half squats, punches, kicks, etc. As a result, she was completely unable to take care of herself. Eventually, it was God’s words that gave her the faith to survive …
Konke Kuyafezeka Ngezwi LikaNkulunkulu
UNkulunkulu ukhuluma amazwi Akhe enze nomsebenzi Wakhe ngokwezinkathi ezehlukene, nasezinkathini ezehlukene, ukhuluma amazwi ehlukene. UNkulunkulu akathobeli mithetho, noma aphinde umsebenzi ofanayo, noma abe nenkumbulo yezinto zesikhathi esedlule; unguNkulunkulu ohlala emusha njalo akabi mdala, futhi nsuku zonke ukhuluma amazwi amasha.
Umuntu Angasindiswa Kuphela Ekuphatheni KukaNkulunkulu
Wonke umuntu ubona sengathi ukuphatha kukaNkulunkulu kuyinto engajwayelekile ngoba abantu bacabanga ukuthi ukuphatha kukaNkulunkulu akuhlangene nomuntu. Bacabanga ukuthi lokhu kuphatha kungumsebenzi kaNkulunkulu yedwa, indaba kaNkulunkulu uqobo, ngakho isintu asikhathali ngokuphatha kukaNkulunkulu.
Indlela UPetru Amazi Ngayo UJesu
California, USA Joint Efforts to Promote Worldwide Freedom of Belief at Freedom of Religion Seminar
In spite of the fact that freedom of religion is a universal value, there are people in some countries and regions who not only lack this freedom and right, but even continue to suffer from persecution as well as unjust prosecution or imprisonment. February 15, 2018, a seminar with the theme of “Religious Liberty as a Global Problem” was convened at the University Club of the University of Southern California.
Labo Abangafundi Futhi Abangazi Lutho: Abazona Yini Izilwane?
Iyiphi indlela yokufuna efanele kunazo zonke endleleni yanamuhla? Hlobo luni lomuntu okufanele uzibone uyilo ekufuneni kwakho? Kufanele wazi indlela yokusingatha yonke into ekwehlelayo manje, kungaba izilingo noma ukuhlupheka, ukusola okunonya noma iziqalekiso—kufanele ucabangisise ngakho konke lokhu. Kungani ngisho lokhu? Kungoba ngemva kwakho konke, okukwehlelayo manje kuyisilingo esisodwa sesikhashana esilandela esinye.
Virginia Christian Film Festival: Musical "Every Nation Worships the Practical God" Wins Six Awards
“The kingdom has descended; the new age has begun; God has returned!” This is the most stirring of the good tidings from The Church of Almighty God’s musical—Every Nation Worships the Practical God. On January 27, 2018, this musical, bearing witness that Jesus the Savior has already returned, was shown at the Virginia Christian Film Festival. In one fell swoop, it won six awards, including Best Feature Film, Best Choreography, Best Music and Best Acting.
Indlela Isinyathelo Sesibili Somsebenzi Wokunqoba Esithela Ngayo Izithelo
Isinyathelo somsebenzi wabenzi bomsebenzi yisinyathelo sokuqala somsebenzi wokunqoba; njengamanje lokhu kuyisinyathelo sesibili somsebenzi wokunqoba. Kungani kuxoxwa ngokupheleliswa komsebenzi wokunqoba? Kuwukwakha isisekelo sekusasa—lokhu njengamanje kuyisinyathelo sokugcina somsebenzi wokunqoba, futhi emuva kwalokhu, abantu bazobhekana nobunzima okukhulu, futhi ngaleso sikhathi umsebenzi wokuphelelisa abantu uzoqala ngokusemthethweni.
Amazwi KaNkulunkulu USomandla,
IBandla likaNkulunkulu uSomandla,
UNkulunkulu uSomandla,
UNyazi LwaseMpumalanga
Ukuhunyushwa Kwezwi Lamashumi Amathathu Nesishiyagalolunye
UNkulunkulu USomandla uthi:
“Masiyeni ngale kwamazwi kaNkulunkulu sikhulume kancane ngezindaba ezimayelana nezimpilo zethu ukuze izimpilo zethu ziqhakaze, futhi siphile ngokwethemba uNkulunkulu analo ngathi. Ikakhulu, ngokufika kwenamuhla—isikhathi sokuthi ngakunye kuhlelwe ngohlobo nangokusola—kunesidingo esikhulu sokubheka kokubalulekile nokugxila “kokuthandwa yiningi.”
Amazwi KaNkulunkulu USomandla,
IBandla likaNkulunkulu uSomandla,
UNkulunkulu uSomandla,
UNyazi LwaseMpumalanga
Massimo Introvigne: The Church of Almighty God Is a Typical Victim of Black Propaganda and Fake News
Professor Massimo Introvigne, the founder and director of Center for Studies on New Religions and the chairman of Italy's Observatory of Religious Liberty, spoke at the international conference on Religious Persecution and the Human Rights of Refugees held in Seoul, South Korea on October 23, 2017. He said that the Christians in The Church of Almighty God have been subjected to clear and flagrant religious persecution, and even torture.
Ingqikithi Yenyama Ehlalwe UNkulunkulu
#8 How to View Conversion From Traditional Sects to The Church of Almighty God – Massimo Introvigne
On November 20–21, 2017, in just two days, seventeen reports attacking The Church of Almighty God (CAG) were published intensively on Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po, the mouthpiece media of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Hong Kong (HK), citing the rumors and fallacies consistently fabricated by the CCP to discredit and condemn the CAG.
Human Rights Expert Do Heeyoon: If Christians Are Repatriated, Human Rights Groups Will Not Stand By
On November 28, 2017, in response to concurrent public attacks and smears against The Church of Almighty God in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea, South Korean human rights expert Do Heeyoun and eight other non-governmental organizations jointly condemned the Chinese Communist government for its many years of brutal persecution against The Church of Almighty God, and expressed the view that the asylum applications of Christians of The Church of Almighty God should be recognized by their respective host nations.
Do Heeyoun: Repatriating Christians of The Church of Almighty God Is Pushing Them to Their Deaths
As everyone knows, since it took power the Chinese Communist Party has been madly suppressing religious beliefs and doing its utmost to ban house churches. Its persecution against The Church of Almighty God is especially serious. Many Christians of the church have been caught and subjected to the CCP’s oppression and persecution, and countless fleeing from the arrest have been unable to return home and lived in exile, with their families shattered.
Isintu Esikhohlakele Siyidinga Kakhulu Insindiso KaNkulunkulu Obe Inyama
UNkulunkulu waba inyama ngenxa yokuthi ihloso yomsebenzi wakhe akuwona umoya kaSathane, noma into engaphili, kodwa umuntu, oyinyama owonakaliswe uSathane. Lokho kungenxa kanye yokuthi inyama yomuntu yonakalisiwe ukuthi uNkulunkulu wenze umuntu wenyama injongo yomsebenzi Wakhe; ngaphezu kwalokho, ngenxa yokuthi umuntu uyinjongo yenkohlakalo, wenze umuntu waba iyona kuphela injongo yomsebenzi Wakhe kuzo zonke izigaba zomsebenzi Wakhe wensindiso.
Repatriating Chinese Christians: Acting as Accomplices of the CCP to Abuse Human Rights
On January 16, 2018, Human Rights Without Frontiers International published an article, urgently calling on EU member states and South Korea to provide political asylum to Christians of The Church of Almighty God. The article said, not one of more than 600 Christians of The Church of Almighty God fleeing to South Korea obtained refugee status and 178 face repatriation.
#2 The CCP Is the Plotter of Fake News of McDonald’s Murder in Zhaoyuan – Massimo Introvigne
On November 20–21, 2017, in just two days, seventeen reports attacking The Church of Almighty God (CAG) were published intensively on Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po, the mouthpiece media of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Hong Kong (HK), citing the rumors and fallacies consistently fabricated by the CCP to discredit and condemn the CAG.
Christians of The Church of Almighty God Will Be Brutally Persecuted by the CCP Once Repatriated
Massimo Introvigne Reveals Truth of Zhaoyuan McDonald’s Murder and Says the Real Xiejiao Is the CCP
At the international conference on Religious Persecution and the Human Rights of Refugees in Seoul, South Korea on October 23, 2017, Professor Massimo Introvigne made a detailed analysis of the inaccuracies in the Chinese Communist government’s definition of a “xiejiao.”
Christian Family Film Festival: Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China – Silver Medal Winner
On October 1, 2017, the three-day Christian Family Film Festival in Ellington, New York came to a close. The full human rights documentary produced by The Church of Almighty God, Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China, stood out from the crowd among a number of the films shown, winning the silver medal.
Christian Family Film Festival: Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China – Silver Medal Winner
On October 1, 2017, the three-day Christian Family Film Festival in Ellington, New York came to a close. The full human rights documentary produced by The Church of Almighty God, Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China, stood out from the crowd among a number of the films shown, winning the silver medal. This documentary, a true account of the Chinese Communist government’s wanton violations of human rights and brutal murders of Christians, provides international society with a deeper understanding of the inside story of the Chinese government’s oppression of religious faith, offering detailed and powerful evidence.
Yini Oyaziyo Ngokukholwa?
Kumuntu kukhona izwi lokukholwa elingenasiqiniseko, nokho umuntu akazi ukuthi yini eyakha ukukholwa, ingasaphathwa eyokuthi kungani enokholo. Umuntu uqonda okuyingcosana futhi umuntu ngokwakhe akanalwazi; umane abe nokukholwa Kimi ngokungacabangi nangokungabi nalwazi. Nakuba engazi ukuthi kuyini ukukholwa nokuthi kungani ekholelwa Kimi, uyaqhubeka nokukwenza ngokuthatheka.
Bhalisa ku:
Okuthunyelwe (Atom)