UNkulunkulu waba inyama ngenxa yokuthi ihloso yomsebenzi wakhe akuwona umoya kaSathane, noma into engaphili, kodwa umuntu, oyinyama owonakaliswe uSathane. Lokho kungenxa kanye yokuthi inyama yomuntu yonakalisiwe ukuthi uNkulunkulu wenze umuntu wenyama injongo yomsebenzi Wakhe; ngaphezu kwalokho, ngenxa yokuthi umuntu uyinjongo yenkohlakalo, wenze umuntu waba iyona kuphela injongo yomsebenzi Wakhe kuzo zonke izigaba zomsebenzi Wakhe wensindiso.
Isintu Esikhohlakele Siyidinga Kakhulu Insindiso KaNkulunkulu Obe Inyama
UNkulunkulu waba inyama ngenxa yokuthi ihloso yomsebenzi wakhe akuwona umoya kaSathane, noma into engaphili, kodwa umuntu, oyinyama owonakaliswe uSathane. Lokho kungenxa kanye yokuthi inyama yomuntu yonakalisiwe ukuthi uNkulunkulu wenze umuntu wenyama injongo yomsebenzi Wakhe; ngaphezu kwalokho, ngenxa yokuthi umuntu uyinjongo yenkohlakalo, wenze umuntu waba iyona kuphela injongo yomsebenzi Wakhe kuzo zonke izigaba zomsebenzi Wakhe wensindiso.
Repatriating Chinese Christians: Acting as Accomplices of the CCP to Abuse Human Rights
On January 16, 2018, Human Rights Without Frontiers International published an article, urgently calling on EU member states and South Korea to provide political asylum to Christians of The Church of Almighty God. The article said, not one of more than 600 Christians of The Church of Almighty God fleeing to South Korea obtained refugee status and 178 face repatriation.
#2 The CCP Is the Plotter of Fake News of McDonald’s Murder in Zhaoyuan – Massimo Introvigne
On November 20–21, 2017, in just two days, seventeen reports attacking The Church of Almighty God (CAG) were published intensively on Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po, the mouthpiece media of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Hong Kong (HK), citing the rumors and fallacies consistently fabricated by the CCP to discredit and condemn the CAG.
Christians of The Church of Almighty God Will Be Brutally Persecuted by the CCP Once Repatriated
Massimo Introvigne Reveals Truth of Zhaoyuan McDonald’s Murder and Says the Real Xiejiao Is the CCP
At the international conference on Religious Persecution and the Human Rights of Refugees in Seoul, South Korea on October 23, 2017, Professor Massimo Introvigne made a detailed analysis of the inaccuracies in the Chinese Communist government’s definition of a “xiejiao.”
Christian Family Film Festival: Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China – Silver Medal Winner
On October 1, 2017, the three-day Christian Family Film Festival in Ellington, New York came to a close. The full human rights documentary produced by The Church of Almighty God, Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China, stood out from the crowd among a number of the films shown, winning the silver medal.
Christian Family Film Festival: Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China – Silver Medal Winner
On October 1, 2017, the three-day Christian Family Film Festival in Ellington, New York came to a close. The full human rights documentary produced by The Church of Almighty God, Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China, stood out from the crowd among a number of the films shown, winning the silver medal. This documentary, a true account of the Chinese Communist government’s wanton violations of human rights and brutal murders of Christians, provides international society with a deeper understanding of the inside story of the Chinese government’s oppression of religious faith, offering detailed and powerful evidence.
Bhalisa ku:
Okuthunyelwe (Atom)